Unity Game
Shades of Autumn
I designed and created a short video game entitled Shades of Autumn. I coded systems such as a game manager, quest manager, ladder system(harder than you think!), movement system, low resolution aesthesic, dialog system (fully scalable scripts to apply to any npc). Click picture to play!
Unity Project
Voice Activated Vending Machine
I created a voice activated vending machine that may be used in Unity Projects. I used nixon-voxell's custom Unity package UnityNLP in order to train a Naive Bayes classifier model. This model is then used in conjunction with the Unity's DictionRecognizer API in order to parse input from a microphone and facilitate an order. Click picture for video demonstration.
Unreal Graphics Project
Rolling Balls Using Boid Behavioral Model
I created a flock of rolling actors using the boid behavioral model. This required the use of three separate forces; Separation, Alignment, and Cohesion. The separation force moves outward balls away from the player. The alignment force steers all balls towards the average velocity of the flock. The cohesion force moves the balls in the average center of mass of balls around it. When these three forces combine, it produces a bird like flock effect. Click picture for video demonstration.
Unity Game
Bruise Cruise
As VFX Programmer, worked on the lighting and post processing effects. Worked on a team of 7 UMBC students to create a playable video game for UMBC’s Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) 2020. Bruise Cruise is a side-scrolling beat 'em up. Game was created using the Unity engine with c# scripts. Project used Gitlab for design and Github for version control. Click picture to play!